Oxygen Leaks

Author G Gesoco COELHO

    Books by G Gesoco COELHO

    The below list may not represent a complete list of books by G Gesoco COELHO. Rather, these books are what we found while specifically searching for recent novels that fit (at least a little) into a hard science fiction category.

    Fragment of Destiny: Bridging the Past and Saving the Future: Voleume 1 - Part 3 (GetNexus Gardians Book 6) cover image

    Fragment of Destiny: Bridging the Past and Saving the Future: Voleume 1 - Part 3 (GetNexus Gardians Book 6)

    Release Date: Sunday, January 12th, 2025
    Pages: 737 pages
    In 'Fragment of Destiny: Bridging the Past and Saving the Future', Dr. Gerald Framer and Dr. Anaira Groumer embark on a perilous journey across the globe to uncover the secrets of the Crystal Pyramid and thwart the ambitions of a dangerous megacorporation that threatens the multiverse.